Friday, May 25, 2012

Just Under a Month Away!

Hi Everyone!

This is my blog for my Summer 2012 trip to England, France and Ireland. I am going with the Eller College of Management and the U of A as a part of their Sports Management program. While in Europe, we will be attending numerous sporting events, not only as spectators but as volunteers as well. As a group, one of our main objectives for the trip is to see some of the behind the scenes planning and work that it takes to put on large sporting events. The big events we will be attending will be the Tour de France, the Open Championship (British Open), Wimbledon and the 2012 London Olympics!! I can barely contain my excitement! I am so thrilled to get this once in a lifetime opportunity, and I am looking forward to being an ambassador for not only the University of Arizona but the USA as well. My goal is to update this blog a few times a week and include pictures of our adventures. Obviously, on weeks where we are more busy with travel and class- yes class is a part of this :) - I may not update it as frequently, but I am looking forward to connecting with everyone through this blog.

As I mentioned, there is school included in this trip. I will be taking 9 units, 3 upper level sports management classes. The good news is that with these classes, along with my core classed required for my major, I will have met the requirements for my Sports Management Certificate (It is a certificate not a minor because so many of the lower level requirements I already have to take for my major).

It all starts June 22 in Tucson for a few days, with a pit stop in Dallas for 4 days, and finally off to London on the 28th, where I will be until I return home August 8th. We will leave London on 2 separate weekends to travel to Dublin and Paris, but our main base will be in London and the city of Coventry, which is about an hour outside of London. Coventry University is where we will be taking the majority of our classes, but there are a few occasions where we are scheduled to take classes at certain sports facilities. One reason we are partnering with Coventry University is because their sports management program is similar to ours in that it is done through the business college and not the exercise science program.

I am so so excited for this unbelievable opportunity that I have been blessed with, and it is sure to be a summer to remember!

- Ben