Tuesday, June 26, 2012

NACDA Update

Hi Everyone!

I am writing you after a very long and tiring 2 days at the NACDA (National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics) Conference 2012. While it has been long and tiring, it has also been knowledge filled and invaluable. There have been so many different opportunities to network among the best and the brightest in collegiate athletics, and maybe, just maybe, meet the right person to help you get your foot in the door.

We have heard various presentations throughout the past 2 days from extremely bright individuals, including the Senior Vice President of Southwest Airlines, athletic directors from major BCS schools, and panels made up of marketing employees in universities across the nation. However, no presentation was better than that of Kevin Plank, President, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of the Board of Under Armour. His presentation was energetic, information packed, and really told a story that we could all relate to about how to run a successful business. He had a few quotes that stood out, and that I found to be very profound. The first was a quote that he has on the doors of every meeting room at the Under Armour headquarters in Maryland that says "We have not yet built our defining product." As a company that is famous for its innovation in sport apparel and more specifically the sweat absorbing gear used in warm weather (although Nike often seems to get the credit for this), I saw the quote and motto to be very humbling for that company. As a business and a brand, they are not satisfied or caught up enough in past achievements to stop working towards future ones. I think that no matter what the company may be, this attitude can always be applied to make a positive impact on the way you think and how hard you work.

The second and possibly most profound quote I have ever heard said this: "Smart enough to be naive enough to not know what we could not accomplish." Once again, I was taken back at the attitude of this company, which was really exude by Kevin Plank. He started this business in the basement of his Grandmother's house, but he didn't want any limitations. He looked at being naive as something to be proud of, something to drive you to dream big and produce even bigger, which subsequently Under Armour has done. Although I have always been a Nike guy, this presentation made me rethink my loyalty to Nike. Kevin has created an amazing company.

As I said, the days have been long and challenging, but I will definitely reap the rewards. Not only in a networking aspect, but it the amount I have learned from listening to the best and the brightest in college athletics.

The countdown to London is on! 48 hours from now I will be somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, headed towards a huge unknown. I cannot express my excitement for the weeks that lie ahead, and at the same time I am feeling so blessed to be a part of this program!

That's all for tonight. My pillow is calling my name.....  :)

Until next time,

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