Monday, July 30, 2012

My First Olympic Event

Good Morning All!

It is a brisk Monday morning here and London, and I am looking forward to an exciting week ahead. Yesterday, we headed back to Coventry for two soccer matches, my first two Olympic events! In the first game, we saw Mexico defeat Gabon 2-0.  It was en exciting match, especially because we were surrounded by Mexican fans who are passionate about their soccer to say the least. Anytime they came close to scoring you would have heard them from a mile outside the stadium, and everyone was laughing when they finally did find the back of the net.

The second game that we saw featured Switzerland against South Korea (don't worry - they used South Korea's flag, not North Korea's), and was very slow to start. It was tied 0-0 and halftime, and I almost left, but I am very glad I decided to stay. 3 goals in the 2nd half, all in about 8 minutes, as South Korea defeated a chippy Switzerland team who could not see to go 3 minutes without a shove or trip that was unprovoked. I was a little surprised to see that out of a team simply because the Olympics is above that, but nonetheless, no damage was done and it was an entertaining match.

Traveling back to London was completely hectic, but I am starting to get used to it. Wherever you go, you just have to accept the fact that it is going to take a long time. Traveling quickly is an oxymoron in this city for the next 3 weeks.

Here are some pictures from the games yesterday:

I'll be sure to post tomorrow, as tonight I have a very special event lined up! I will be at Horse Guards Parade to watch Misty May and Kerri Walsh play first hand, and I could not be more excited!! 

Until tomorrow, 


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