Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Latest Update From London

Hi Everyone -

With the opening ceremonies putting on a show for the world last night, you can bet the atmosphere here in London is just something else. There is just a collective buzz and excitement as the games commence. I am VERY excited for the next 10 days or so. Lots to do with little time.

For the opening ceremonies last night, we ended up watching them in our dorm. They were having a big showing on a projector on the bottom floor, and with students living here from all corners of the globe, it was really neat to see. However, about halfway through the opening act, when the rings started to come together and light up, and few friends and I bolted up to my room on the 18th floor. I had the ceremonies streaming live on my laptop, and I can see Olympic Stadium from my window, so we were able to see the lights and watch it live all at once - such a cool experience! There were some people in our group who were able to snag tickets to the ceremonies, and from talking to them today and seeing pictures, I would have given an arm and a leg to be there. For those of you who were able to see the ceremonies, when they brought the British flag up, and when the mini-cooper drove up the ramp, I was in the pen down on the floor to the right of that. I know that probably makes no sense, but it's about the best description I can give without showing it on a map. Here is a picture from where we were:

A dream came true of mine yesterday, as somehow I was able to get tickets to see the USA Men's Volleyball team play! They are playing against Tunisia, and the ticket includes Brazil against Germany. The games are next Monday night, and I am so incredibly stoked to see both games. USA is currently 5th in the world, and Brazil is number one, so both matches should be phenomenal. Getting tickets is a full-time job in and of itself. They release more and more tickets each day, but you never know when they will release them or to what events. So, you have to keep checking back, and even after they release them, you have to keep refreshing the page until it goes through. I was lucky enough to have the volleyball tickets go through!

From here until August 8th, I have secured a solid amount of tickets. Tomorrow, our entire group is (funny enough) headed back to Coventry, to see two soccer matches, one of with Mexico is playing in. On Tuesday, I am headed to Manchester to see the USA Women's Soccer Team play Korea, and then Thursday I have tickets to swimming! There are a few finals and semi-finals,so I am hoping to see a Phelps-Lochte battle. That Saturday, I am headed back to Manchester to see a men's quarterfinal soccer match and the following Monday are the men's volleyball matches.

The past few days, I have just been overwhelmed with how lucky and blessed I am to be in the situation that I am over here. I don't know if I will have another experience like this for as long as I live, and I am just so incredibly thankful to everyone who helped me get here. Big shout-out to the big man upstairs for looking out for me on this one! So blessed!

I miss everyone back home so much, and I am excited to be stateside in just about 10 days.

Cheers everyone!


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